About Us

How did we start?

Established June, 2014 by Steven P. Harrison and William Currie as equal partners. The concept was created in response to the bombardment of sensationalized bad news provided on the screen along with relentless advertisement, TV, Billboard, road signs and phone calls for political purpose. The primary motivator was political ads coming to us from the television, radio, internet and the nail in the coffin, telephone ads during the 2014 Thad Cochran, Chris McDaniel Republican senate run-off. I must have received 8 robo calls one night and said to myself, “how are we going to survive the 2016 presidential election?” Then, survival kits came to mind and I found myself checking for Domain names. I bought electionsurvivalkits.com.

The next night, world news once again was featuring another horrible mid-west storm. Beautiful weather reporters were keeping us safe and occupied. The news media plays its climate change agenda every night and will continue to report as long as it is the best ROI (return on investment). They are so confident in their success and understand the major population’s fear factor that they have now replaced real news with sensationalism. Where is the truth? Nothing new here…

I bought climatechangesurvivaslkits and globalwarmingsurvivalkit. Realizing that I have expanded, I engaged Bill, my friend and co-worker of 30 years. We had been discussing what we would do in retirement. Actually, we had been doing this for many years. I told him what I was doing and we have developed from there. Together, we are creating a product line that humors and entertains the willing.

Our Mission statement reads, “LightenUp LLC provides a creative outlet for its owners and humorous and thought-provoking products for its customers in order to bring some laughter into an otherwise downbeat world.” This is, “laughing at life”.

Our Vision is to create humorous, satirical, enjoyable and sometimes cynical products that customers will want to gift and recipients will want to receive.

It is our intent to derive enjoyment from the creative process and seeing appreciation of our creations through their purchases. Bill and I are building a strong business partnership based on clear and thorough communication and willing consideration of ideas and viewpoints.

Let us know what you think. Do you have ideas? We’d love to hear them at info@funnysurvivalkits.com.

or bill@funnysurvivalkits.com or steve@funnysurvivalkits.com